This project has declared the following modules:
Name | Description |
cdo.connector | Provides a Connector Service to communicate with the Jabylon CDO repository |
cdo.server | The jabylon CDO database backend |
db.migration | contains the scripts required for continuous database migration |
common | various utility methods for jabylon security, preferences, model access,... |
index | provides the QueryService and indexer capabilities to interact with the lucene index |
properties | the main (ecore) model for property files |
resources | provides services to load, observe and persist property files |
rest.api | the JSON api servlet |
rest.ui | contains the main portion of the jabylon user interface |
review.standard | contains the built-in translation checks |
scheduler | provides the SchedulerService and ProgressService that can be used to schedule tasks |
scheduler.ui | frontend for the scheduler service |
security | contains the security and auth related code and some initial login modules |
team.git | the team provider implementation for Git |
users | contains the user (ecore) model |
logback.config | logback configuration for slf4j |
updatecenter | Allows to manage, update, install, and uninstall Jabylon Plug-Ins |
log.viewer | AJAX log viewer to diagnose issues in the software |
dependencies | lists the dependencies necessary to provide a standalone jabylon |
Karaf Jabylon Feature | Creates a karaf distribution |
Karaf Distribution | Jabylon standalone distribution |