Installing as a web application

Attention: please note that this form of deployment is deprecated as of version 1.3.0. Please use the standalone distribution instead.

Jabylon can be deployed into any Java EE application server. This document will show an example on how to do that in Tomcat 7 which can be downloaded here and Jetty 9 which can be downloaded here.

Deploying Jabylon in Tomcat 7

Download the Jabylon WAR and copy it into tomcat/webapps. Now you can run tomcat with e.g bin/ Jabylon should automatically get deployed and be available at http://localhost:8080/jabylon.

Jabylon needs a working directory to store the translation projects and the embedded database. By default this directory is located at $HOME/jabylon. To change this default edit the file conf/ and add the value JABYLON_HOME=/opt/jabylon. You will have to restart tomcat after saving the file.

The logs will be placed to logs/jabylon.log by default. To change this location you can set the system property jabylon.log (this can be done in conf/ again).

Deploying Jabylon in Jetty

Download the Jabylon WAR and copy it into jetty/webapps. Now you can run jetty with java -jar start.jar. Jabylon should automatically get deployed and be available at http://localhost:8080/jabylon.

Jabylon needs a working directory to store the translation projects and the embedded database. By default this directory is located at $HOME/jabylon. To change this default start jetty with the command line java -DJABYLON_HOME=/opt/jabylon -jar start.jar.

The logs will be placed to logs/jabylon.log by default. To change this location you can set the system property jabylon.log.